Friday, March 30, 2012

*17 most important things to remember in life*

1. Never give up on anybody;miracles happen everyday.

2.Be brave even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.

3. Think big thoughts, relish small pleasures.

4. Learn to listen. Oppurtunity sometimes knocks very softly.

5. Never deprive someone of hope, it might be all they have.

6. Strive for excellence, not perfection.

7. Don't waste time greiving over past mistakes. Learn from them and move on.

8. When someone hugs you let them be the first to let go.

9. Never cut what can be untied.

10. Don't expect life to be fair.

11. Remember:Success comes to the one that acts first.

12. Never waste an oppurtunity to tell someone you love them.

13. Remember that nobody makes it alone. Have a greatful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who help you.

14. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.

15. Laugh alot.A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills.

16. Don't miss the magic of the moment by focusing on whats to come.

17. Watch for big problems. They disguise big oppurtunities.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

to my ever caring and loving lolo..

"Sorrow comes in great waves...but it rolls over us, and though it may almost choke passes and we remain." 
He was a father, a brother and a friend to all of us. I’m sure each and every one of you here today has something to share on how my grandfather touched your life. He shared a lot of good memories, especially with us, his grandchildren. We shared lots of things together. Partz as I call him was a very strong man and he always got her way. A man as humble and loving as Partz will always be remembered by those of us who knew him and loved him. Although we will miss him, his smile, his pranks, his love, we take consolation in the good feelings of our memories.

Since my mom is teaching, gina bilin kami ni mommy kanday lolo.. Sa bilog nga adlaw, si lolo kag si lola lng ang gabantay sa amon. Kung hapon, gina patulog kami ni lolo.. kung indi ganei kami mag tulog ga promise siya sa amon na baklan ya kami chocolate mag bugtaw kami.. pag bugtaw namun, may cloud 9 na nga gahulat sa amon.  Sometimes, gina upod ya na kami mag kadto sa iya uma while riding on his karosa.. saja2 gd kami everytime magpauma siya kay masakay naman kami sa karosa ni LOLO..  When we started studying where my mother used to teach, mejo kis a na kami ga kit anay ni lolo.. ga kadto lng kami sa ila ni lola every weekends and kung may special occasions. But sometimes , ga kadto siya sa uma, sa balay.. u will know if ara siya kung mag lagatik na ang mga taklob sang kaldero kag spoon and fork.. ma ask na siya dayun, ano dapli nu dyan? Since indi pde kay lolo ang too much fatty and oily foods, gina saway siya namun. Ga pati man siya. Kis-a.. Everytime we get perfect on our daily quizzes or even exams, gna tipon namun ang amun mga paper kag I baligya kay LOLO kag daddy.. excited kami na dayun puli kay may money naman kami halin sa iya.. I can still remember , gna bakal ya tag 50 cents every perfect na paper namun… since si lolo amun una nakadtuan, wala na si daddy baklun na perfect quiz kay gn bakal na ni lolo tanan.  everytime may special occasion, gina hulat ya gd na kami tanan mag alabot before mag start.  Mag kadto na siya sa balay, gina sugo niya kami na nga I on ang tv kay malantaw siya kuno boxing or basket. After an hour, tulog na siya ya ga nganga2 sa sofa.. kis a gapungko pa na nga tulog nga may kalo pa kag baston  nga gna ipit ya sang tuhod ya.. kung munuhon muh na siya ganei, I deny ya  pa na nga tulog siya.. when I graduated,he awarded me my medal.I can see it in his eyes, that he was so happy and proud..  when I stepped 18, partz was my 2nd dance. Maski nabudlayan na siya mag saot2, gn saot ya ko jpun. Na sajahan gd na siya pag kumpleto kami sa balay niya.. maski gahod kag gamo, tulukon ya lng na kami kag mag kadlaw man. When partz was admitted, gn hambalan ya kami ni G.B na baklan siya knu namun shaver kay law ay na siya knu.. and everyone in the room just laugh. When he was sent back to the hospital , we were there from the ER to the ICU. And I can see how Partz struggled and fought His last battle.  From there I can say that he’s a very strong man. as I entered the ICU, I wanted to tell him lots of stuffs, but all I did was cry. 2 days after q pa nabal an na wala na si lolo.. I already had the feeling but it was the time pa nga nakita ko na siya lying in his coffin, tanan nag sink in na sakon.. wala na ko Lolo.. wala na si Partz..wala na ko mongo bread..
We may no longer see him but we’ll always have these special moments we shared with him. He will always have a special part in our hearts. Let’s just be thankful that we knew a great man like my grandfather. As what my tito nuk said pasalamat ka kay lolo mo so Guyo. Maski ano ka budlay, waay gd ga reklamo...

i love u partz.. <3 <3 <3 

Friday, March 23, 2012

a reminder from Bro

when the people you look up to takes you for granted, when you feel betrayed, when you feel that you are not treated with proper respect as a person, when you feel like your heart is going to burst but you have no one to talk to but God, when you feel alone, when you feel that you are being abandoned, when you feel that you’re out of place, when you feel that you’re being misleaded and given false hopes, when you feel that you know you are matured enough to understand things yet it still hurts, when you want to accept the circumstances and your defeat, when you feel like sobbing and crying your heart out, when you feel like asking God “is this the cross i have to bear?”

The Lord hears you! The Lord hears your cries, sees your tears and knows your heart. You may not understand the purpose why and when these pain will stop, but you can count on one thing: The Lord’s faithfulness to us. That while you are crying and hurting, He understands your pains too. That all these time when we are telling Him how hurt we are, He is waiting for His turn to comfort us and to reassure us that what we are experiencing right now is just a portion of what He will soon reveal to us. That this pain is TEMPORARY, and when we truly see Christ in this pain, He will bring us peace. And you will know that God is everything and nothing else matters. ♥ :")

(c)nikka with